Welcome To Sanatan Sanskruti Seva Trust Organizations. (Reg.No. E/6408/KHEDA)

about us


Sanatan Sanskriti Seva Trust is giving priority in this service, in helping the family to educate the children who are unable to complete their education in case of poor financial condition.

Animal Welfare

Sanatan Sanskriti Seva Trust gives service to protect the life of all kinds of animals.

गावो मे सर्वतश्चैव गवां मध्ये वसाम्यहम्

Medical and Ayurved

Sanatan Sanskriti Seva Trust organizes below listed camps and also provide medical help to the needy family

  • Medical Awareness Camp

  • Ayurvedic Naturopathy Camp

  • Medicine to the needy family

  • Treatment

  • Medical Assistance

Krishi Yagna

Sanatan Sanskriti Seva Trust arranges camps for the protection of Agricultural Property / Kishan, Propagation, and Dissemination.