Welcome To Sanatan Sanskruti Seva Trust Organizations. (Reg.No. E/6408/KHEDA)


Haridwar Katha YATRA 2022 10 days

Facilities: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner, Accomodation 4 person in room

Departure date: 11/9/2022 morning 9/30 kalupur railway station person/group booking now open 7698871347

Pilgrimage (Tirth Yatra)

सर्वतीर्थमयी माता सर्वदेवमयः पिता,
मातरं पितरं तस्मात् सर्वयत्नेन पूजयेत्
Mother is the embodiment of all pilgrimages, father is the embodiment of all deities. Hence, mother and father are to be revered with all efforts.
माँ सारे तीर्थों से बढ़कर है, पिता सारे देवों से बढ़कर है।
अतः हमें अपने माता-पिता का सदैव संम्मान करना चाहिए।

Sanatan Sanskriti Seva Trust Organizing Darshan, Satsang, and Cultural Religious Festivals of Holy Pilgrimage. Also, organizes a pilgrimage to families with poor financial status.

Sanatan Sanskriti Seva Trust doing the following activity for Pilgrimage (Tirth Yatra)

  • Darshan of Holy Pilgrimage (Tirth Yatra) in India Yearly

  • Planning of Satsang Cultural Religious Festivals

  • To make the pilgrimage to the family whose economic condition is weak

sankalp sahyog yatra

The purpose of sankalp sahyog yatra is:

वसुधैव कुटुंबकम्

From time to time, Sanatan Sanskriti Seva Trust arrange sankalp sahyog yatra. Sanatan Sanskriti Seva Trust works to protect each Sanatan dharma family of Bharat vars by the way of Prachar, Prasar and Satsang. Trust working for, eliminating blind faith through public contact, nurturing Dharma Jagruti, and Protecting Gaumata.